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Crypto Takes Center Stage in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election: What It Means for the Future of Digital Assets

As the U.S. gears up for the 2024 presidential election, the cryptocurrency industry emerges as a pivotal topic for candidates vying for the nation’s highest office. With 255.45 million eligible voters and 161.42 million registered, approximately 17%—or about 12.6 million voters—are actively engaged in the crypto space. This demographic, particularly concentrated among adults aged 35 to 49, constitutes a crucial voting bloc that candidates are keen to win over, illustrating the significant influence of crypto in the 2024 U.S. election.

2024 U.S. Presidential Election Crypto Influence: Donald Trump’s Crypto Pivot

During his presidency, Donald Trump displayed notable skepticism towards cryptocurrencies, often criticizing their potential for illegal activities and instability. His administration’s stance was not particularly favorable towards the crypto industry, with opposition to projects like Facebook’s Libra (later Diem). However, as he embarks on his 2024 campaign, Trump’s stance has seen a significant shift.

Trump’s campaign began accepting crypto donations on May 28, making him the first major party candidate to embrace digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ether. This move underscores his effort to appeal to the growing number of crypto enthusiasts among the electorate. Additionally, Trump has sought support from the Libertarian Party, promising to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Road marketplace, a move aimed at resonating with libertarian voters who view Ulbricht’s conviction as government overreach.

In a surprising move, Donald Trump and Elon Musk have discussed a possible advisory role for the Tesla CEO should Trump reclaim the White House. Elon Musk has denied claims of discussing cryptocurrency policy with Trump. Nevertheless, Musk reiterated his support for digital assets, emphasizing their potential to shift power from the government to the people.

Joe Biden’s Administration 2024 U.S. : Presidential Election Crypto Influence

President Joe Biden has taken a mixed approach to cryptocurrencies, combining regulatory actions with occasional openness to innovation. While his administration has seen significant legal actions and fines within the crypto industry, a clear regulatory framework for digital assets has yet to be established. Notable actions include the emergence of Bitcoin Spot ETFs, followed by ETH ETFs, but no clear approval for a CBDC. Additionally, there has been a crackdown on crypto miners in the state, leading to a brain drain and projects moving outside the U.S.

Under Biden, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have taken notable actions against major players in the crypto industry. These actions underscore the administration’s intent to enforce existing laws to maintain market integrity and consumer protection. However, a comprehensive regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies remains elusive, with the current focus on using existing laws to address fraud and illegal activities within the crypto space. While the administration has shown a willingness to crack down on illicit activities, it has also demonstrated cautious openness to the potential benefits of blockchain technology and digital assets.

Fairshake PAC: A $100 Million Ticket

Support from Crypto PACs, notably Fairshake, marks a pivotal development in the 2024 election cycle. Fairshake focuses on championing pro-crypto candidates dedicated to positioning the United States as a hub for innovation in the digital realm. By providing crucial support, Fairshake aims to bolster blockchain innovators under a more transparent regulatory framework, essential for fostering the growth of the open blockchain economy in the U.S.

Ripple Labs stands as the leading contributor to Fairshake, with an annual contribution of $25 million, totaling $50 million over the past two years. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse emphasizes the importance of educating voters about crypto’s role and countering anti-crypto sentiments in Washington. As of April’s end, Fairshake has raised an impressive $92.87 million and allocated $40.65 million to pro-crypto political activities.

This significant funding underscores the crypto industry’s growing financial influence in the political landscape. Notably, it surpasses the campaign funding of individual candidates, with Trump raising $49.1 million and Biden $84.5 million. Absent from Fairshake’s donor list are major financial players like Blackrock and Fidelity, despite benefiting from the profits of ETFs. Contributions primarily come from a coalition of crypto companies, executives, and investors, including Coinbase, Circle, Solana Labs, Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), and Ark Investment Management. A16z’s recent $25 million donation brings its total contributions to $47 million, with General Partner Chris Dixon vocal in supporting the PAC’s mission.

Influence of the Crypto Industry on the Campaigns

The cryptocurrency industry’s influence on the 2024 presidential election is significant, with substantial financial contributions and strategic endorsements shaping the political landscape. A coalition of crypto companies, executives, and investors has actively contributed to political campaigns, underscoring the industry’s commitment to influencing policy and regulatory outcomes in its favor. With significant voter segments engaged in the crypto space, candidates like Donald Trump are making strategic pivots to embrace digital currencies and garner support from this influential demographic. As the election approaches, the crypto industry’s role in shaping campaign narratives and political strategies will undoubtedly remain a focal point.

Walid Abou Zaki

Walid is is the founder of Unlock Blockchain, a prominent resource for blockchain and cryptocurrency news. With a career spanning over two decades in the media sector, he has been at the forefront of emerging technologies and digital transformation. Since 2017, Walid has focused his expertise on the blockchain and crypto space, becoming recognized as one of the leading opinion influencers in the MENA region

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