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Worldcoin Gets Infrastructure Partner for Digital ID Blockchain

Worldcoin has announced a partnership with Alchemy to provide the infrastructure for World Chain, its new blockchain for digital ID. Alchemy, a web3 development platform, will integrate World ID into its toolset, making it accessible to developers worldwide. World Chain will be integrated with the Worldcoin protocol and work alongside Optimism, Coinbase, and the wider Ethereum ecosystem, forming part of a larger interconnected blockchain network known as the Superchain.

World Chain: A Blockchain for Humans

First introduced in April, World Chain marks a significant step for Worldcoin. This new blockchain, designed specifically for humans, promises a smoother and more accessible experience within the complex world of blockchain technology.

Deeply Integrated Ecosystem: Superchain, World ID, and World App

World Chain is deeply integrated with the Worldcoin protocol and operates alongside established players like Optimism, Coinbase, and the wider Ethereum ecosystem. It forms part of the Superchain, a network of interconnected L2 blockchains designed for scalability and interoperability. According to the Optimism website, “The Superchain is a network of L2 chains, known as OP Chains, which share security, a communication layer, and an open-source technology stack. Unlike multi-chain designs, these chains are standardized and intended to be used as interchangeable resources, enabling developers to build applications targeting the Superchain as a whole, and abstract away the underlying chains the apps are running on.”

Prioritizing Humanity: Perks for Verified Users

To ensure a user experience optimized for real people, World Chain prioritizes verified World ID holders. These individuals, who have undergone an iris scan, will benefit from:

  • Priority Blockspace: Verified users enjoy faster transaction processing times.
  • Free Gas Allowances: World Chain is exploring ways to offer gas fee subsidies for verified users, making everyday transactions more affordable.

This incentivizes user participation and combats the growing problem of bots on the blockchain. With over 5.8 million verified World ID holders and over 10 million World App downloads globally, World Chain has a substantial user base to tap into.

The Optimism Gamble: A Shift from Polygon

Worldcoin’s decision to transition from Polygon to Optimism raises questions about planning and strategy. Initially launching on Polygon, Worldcoin’s move to Optimism may signal a lack of foresight and a reactive approach akin to Microsoft’s “buy what you can’t build” strategy. The shift highlights the challenges and complexities of building a human-centric blockchain from the ground up. Developing their own L2 solution should have been the plan from day one, but the transition suggests they lacked the internal capacity to execute it.

World Chain and Alchemy: Building for Human Scale

World Chain envisions itself as an ecosystem brimming with decentralized financial and identity applications with real-world utility. To achieve this vision, Worldcoin has partnered with Alchemy, a prominent web3 development platform.

This partnership offers several advantages for developers building on World Chain:

  • Simplified Development: Alchemy’s suite of developer tools will be seamlessly integrated into World Chain, streamlining the app development process.
  • Global Reach: By integrating World ID into its toolset, Alchemy grants developers worldwide access to this digital identity solution, potentially accelerating Worldcoin’s adoption.
  • Robust Infrastructure: Developers can leverage Alchemy’s six years of experience in web2 and web3 infrastructure, ensuring a reliable and secure foundation for their applications.

“We’re excited to partner with Worldcoin to deliver essential infrastructure and foster developer growth for World Chain,” said Noam Hurwitz, Engineering Lead for Alchemy Rollups.

The Road Ahead: Addressing Concerns and Building a Human-Centric Future

While World Chain offers a promising vision, concerns regarding privacy and potential exclusion due to the iris scan verification system remain. Although governments globally use similar biometric data for security, it raises concerns when managed by a private company. Worldcoin must address these concerns transparently to build trust with users.

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