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ADGM Issues Investor Alert Over Misleading Claims by Global Investors FX

Abu Dhabi Global Market’s (ADGM) Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) has issued an official alert warning the public and the financial services community about false and misleading claims made by an entity called Global Investors FX, operating under the trade name Global FX.

According to the FSRA, Global FX has been promoting its services through a website——where it falsely claims to offer a broad range of trading services, including foreign exchange (FX) currency pairs, commodities, stocks, indices, futures, bonds, and cryptocurrencies. Additionally, the entity asserts it has a branch office located within ADGM’s jurisdiction. The FSRA confirmed these claims are untrue.

No License or Authorization from ADGM

The FSRA clarified that Global Investors FX has never been licensed, incorporated, or otherwise authorized to carry out any regulated activities within ADGM. As such, any assertion suggesting otherwise is misleading. Under ADGM regulations, only firms with a valid Financial Services Permission granted by the FSRA are legally allowed to conduct Regulated Activities in or from ADGM.

The FSRA expressed concern that these misleading statements could deceive potential investors and members of the public into believing Global FX is a legitimate and regulated firm within ADGM, which it is not.

Public Urged to Exercise Caution

In its statement, the FSRA urged investors and stakeholders to verify the legitimacy of firms before engaging in any financial transactions. The FSRA advises market participants to confirm whether a company is properly licensed by consulting its Public Register. Additionally, the public can cross-check a firm’s incorporation or registration status through ADGM’s Registration Authority Public Register.

The FSRA emphasized that Global FX has never been granted Financial Services Permission to carry out regulated activities in ADGM, nor has it ever been incorporated or commercially licensed within ADGM.

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