April Nation Blockchain Dapp Developer sets up in UAE

April Nation Blockchain, a blockchain project that builds consumers Dapps, has announced that it has set up an office in Dubai UAE. April Nation builds applications where users earn rewards by playing games based on real-world events. A real-world event could be a football match played between two countries. Real-world event games are powered by their blockchain oracle and their decentralized identity technologies.
April Nation Blockchain Dapp developer, was one of the fastest growing crypto on PancakeSwap Exchange. According to their press release, one of the strongest products on offer is the April Nation decentralized wallet. Robert Heft, Marketing Manager April Nation stated, “The level of verification that we have is going to be the industry standard. To be able to prove firmly that our users are legitimate is a function that’s incredibly stirring for us and puts those monster companies on red alert. “We believe our token will become a blue chip token in the crypto-world because of the authenticity of our ecosystem,”
Heft adds. “We want our token to reflect the value of that and not just the superficial value in the market, where people are investing not knowing whether there’s a real-world utility.”

As per the press release, the market cap of April Nation is currently 3 million USD. April Nation is building Decentralized identifiers for the Web3 as part of the next steps for digital security. April Nation is also working to build Decentralized applications (DAPPs) for the football and cricket world cups are almost ready and there will be $April NFTs launched in the very near future.
In addition April Nation will be sponsoring an IPL cricket team with Bollywood connections.
Today $April is KYC audited and listed on LBANK, XT.com as well as P2PB2B exchanges. It has also set up in Dubai its satellite office while its headquarters are in Canada.