Oman Capital Market Authority has licensed the first global P2P crowdfunding operator. Shaikh Abdullah Salem al Salmi Executive President, Capital Market Authority (CMA), approved on March 3rd 2022 that Ethis Investment Platform LLC, to be established in the Sultanate of Oman. Ethis Investment is also present in UAE, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is the first Islamic global crowdfunding platform to set up operations in Oman.
Oman Capital Markets in a recent poll asked Do you think that Crowdfunding platforms will be effective to meet the financing needs of Omani SMEs ? and the majority of responses were affirmative. This comes after Oman Capital Markets approved legislation for crowd funding platforms. CMA will regulated P2P financing, donation based, rewards based and equity based.
Ethis is the world’s leading ethical investment crowdfunding platform that is shariaa compliant.