For the First Time in the World…NFT Marketplace for Global Food Security

Food, the blessed commodity that fuels our bodies and fires our minds, is known to be the essential building block of our health and happiness. But, what if you find out that food is not accessible to everyone, and that bold steps need to be taken to ensure our food security now and in the future?
This thought drove Emirati entrepreneur and innovator Khalifa AlJaziri on a unique mission to finding the solution. Being an early adopter of cutting-edge technologies, both in his business and public sphere, he has always advocated for ideas long before the world catches up.

AlJaziri is an IoT specialist, orator, educator, technologist, environmentalist, and an advocate for blockchain networks, NFTs, DAOs, and the Metaverse. With a background in architecture and urban planning, he has always been interested in sustainability and effective resource management, which is why he ventured into trying to solve the issue of food scarcity and uneven food distribution across the world.
By bringing IoT systems to bridge the gap between technology, animal husbandry, and agriculture, he believes valuable data can be obtained to help increase food productivity.
Malaysian giant Rimaunangis SDN BHD has also been active in the agricultural and livestock business for over a decade. Dato’ Muhamad Firdaus Azhar, the company’s executive chairman and collaborative technologist, understands that agriculture’s main problem worldwide is access to finance. In fact, D\due to intermediates, farmers are often victimized in the supply chain and fail to get the deserved price for their products and labor.

Khalifa AlJaziri and Dato’ Muhamad Firdaus Azhar organized a meeting to discuss the valuable role of blockchain technology in the agriculture and livestock industry, for utilizing the concept of smart contract NFTs in developing a new agricultural Metaverse could translate into considerable gains in the sector.
IoT optimization in a smart farm would effectively process the large amount of data generated in the remote monitoring of soil, water, field conditions, livestock health, and consumption. This, in return, would massively improve the supply chain, thereby boosting productivity and profits.
Soon agriculturalists, livestock owners, wholesale corporations, governments, and investors will be able to collaborate with the help of technology, leading to immediate and practical results. This will create substantial revenue streams for all parties involved.
On the occasion of the 51st UAE National Day, Khalifa AlJaziri intends to announce to the world the creation of the NFT marketplace for World Food Security. He will outline the robust framework that will include a financing model, the efficient use of NFTs, and the opportunity for every NFT owner to benefit from profit-sharing based on Islamic Sharia principles.
We will soon see a future where food and food systems become accessible to us and our future generations with ease.