Korea Blockchain Developer Association emerges to propel Blockchain tech Adoption

The Korea Blockchain Developer Association has emerged to revolutionize the Blockchain industry and reduce the hurdles that are obstructing the adoption of the technology.
One of the major obstacles for widespread adoption is the lack of understanding of the technology itself. In this regard, the association will bridge the information gap that exists within the space by providing tailored trainings.
In fact, it is working on training developers to become highly qualified, enabling them to diffuse the usage of Blockchain tech. It is also interesting to note that the association wants to spread this knowledge beyond mere developers to include university students, and the general public.
Aside from providing training, the Association will focus on providing consulting services for industries and institutions to maximize their businesses with Blockchain, and prevent them from falling for scammy or fraudulent projects. Within the same spirit, the Association will collaborate with major Blockchain protocol projects and other associations to evaluate and verify worthy Blockchain projects.
It looks like the Korea Blockchain Developer Association also wants to enhance the working environment within the Blockchain space, where it will act as an intermediary between businesses and developers, communicate developers’ feedback, provide a salary measurement scale for Blockchain workers, and therefore, improve their rights. This will create a healthier environment incentivizing developers to work within the space.
The association is actively working on getting approval from the Korean government. This will allow it to increase its public confidence and to recommend policies to also foster a healthy environment for the industry.
Benny Jung, Director, Korea Blockchain Developer Association, perceives the slowdown in the crypto market as a temporary phase as he believes in the Blockchain technology itself which will be further developed and implemented by a larger market. He expects the Korean government to regulate ICOs, allowing the industry to grow.