Discover the top blockchain and crypto leaders in MENA and globally. Learn about the people driving innovation, shaping policies, and building the future of digital assets, decentralized finance, and blockchain technology.
Avanza Innovations the Strong Blockchain Partner for governments across Asia, GCC, and MENA
1 June 2021
Avanza Innovations the Strong Blockchain Partner for governments across Asia, GCC, and MENA
Latest projects include the UAE Trade Connect Project, Invoice verification Project in KSA and EKYC for Banks in Pakistan among…
Will Bitcoin holders buy Tesla Cars with their Bitcoin
25 March 2021
Will Bitcoin holders buy Tesla Cars with their Bitcoin
Elon Musk announced that Tesla would sell their cars for Bitcoin! It is a big announcement and it has already…
CasperLabs launches its Mainnet and office soon in UAE ushering in the simple blockchain
9 March 2021
CasperLabs launches its Mainnet and office soon in UAE ushering in the simple blockchain
UAE Blockchain crypto and Blockchain evangelist Saeed Al Darmaki joins as Managing Director of CasperLabs MENA
Lebanon’s banking sector is dead but Digital wallets, and digital currencies are coming to Life
4 March 2021
Lebanon’s banking sector is dead but Digital wallets, and digital currencies are coming to Life
Whether the Lebanese want to or don’t want to believe it, whether the Lebanese government and banking sector want to…
Its about time to start talking Satoshis
16 February 2021
Its about time to start talking Satoshis
Bitcoin has been at the door knocking on 50,000 USD for the past two weeks. In the meantime Elon Musk…
Vasja Zupan Former COO of Bitstamp Joins UAE Based Matrix Exchange Ltd. to Build a Global entity
13 January 2021
Vasja Zupan Former COO of Bitstamp Joins UAE Based Matrix Exchange Ltd. to Build a Global entity
UAE-based Matrix Exchange Ltd., which in April of 2020 received a virtual asset Financial Services Permission (FSP) to operate a…
UNDP report proposes Blockchain for Renewable Energy in Lebanon
30 November 2020
UNDP report proposes Blockchain for Renewable Energy in Lebanon
The UNDP recently published an article pertaining to a study on how blockchain can enhance uptake of renewable energy solutions…
Global Digital Money easier than ever with DMGlobal and Unicrypt
27 November 2020
Global Digital Money easier than ever with DMGlobal and Unicrypt
Be your Own Bank , with GDM users can use prepaid cards to make crypto payments, trade, remittance and other
Interview with Digital Global Money
27 November 2020
Interview with Digital Global Money
Michael A Haerens, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Digital Money Global & Sean Prescott Chief, the Founder and…
Central Bank of Lebanon to launch CBDC in 2021 or not?
11 November 2020
Central Bank of Lebanon to launch CBDC in 2021 or not?
For the second time in less than a year, the Governor of Lebanese Central Bank Riyadh Salameh announced in a…