Decentralized Identity Foundation to Revolutionize Digital Identity

DIF to work on interoperability of different blockchain identity systems
The DIF ( Decentralized Identity Foundation) was created to build on open source software code that would support different identity work across the globe. Companies like IBM Microsoft Accenture Civic Gem IDEO Netki and Tierion are just some of its members. The need for different identity platforms to work together is key for the success of other Blockchain implementations.
If companies are able to create interoperable Blockchain identity systems this might enable new forms of identification such as in IoT environments. This could mean that in the future all identity related information could be stored on a cloud platform and individual identities might start to have domain registration like for example.
In the future DIF members want to enlist other developers and other standards groups, like the W3C and IETF, which are already active in this area.