The Blockchain and Us: The Main Takeaways
The Blockchain and Us is a documentary filmed by Manuel Stagars Economist Film Director Author Entrepeneur
The blockchain is one of those technologies that could have wide-reaching impacts on our lives. It certainly polarizes opinions. For some, it is a game changer that ushers in a new era of financial inclusion, a more secure financial system without intermediaries and freedom to transact with cryptocurrencies. Others see in it a dangerous fantasy of techno optimists that allows the control of financial transactions and forces the cashless society into existence. At the same time, most people have probably never heard of the blockchain and care little about it. Technology has always influenced the way we live and work, and this process will exponentially accelerate in the coming years. Critical thinking about the digital future needs to take place now, not after the fact. This conversation should include as many people as possible, because the digital future will affect everyone.