MyBit Releases P2P Investment Platform Demo Prior to Tokensale

My which is tokenizing AI, Smart Energy and Ownership released a demo of their P2P investment platform
The MyBit foundation platform connects investors from around the world with businesses and individuals seeking to fund revenue generating assets. According to press release issued by Mybit, It utilizes fast, convenient, secure peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions governed by smart contracts running on Ethereum. For individuals and businesses who wish to obtain revenue generating assets but face financial or geographical restraints, MyBit unleashes a world of opportunities through cost-effective access to global capital.
With the forthcoming increase in electricity demand resulting from the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence in the areas of transportation and robotics, the Internet of Things, and growth in emerging markets, utility companies are exploring ways to scale the production of electricity outside their high cost traditional power generation facilities. Microgrids — small, decentralized solar energy production units — are a key component of their solution strategy.
According to Founder, Ian Worrall , “Enabling worldwide crowdfunding of revenue generating assets will be a game changer for everyone — eliminating financial barriers to entry, enabling new business models, accessing previously untapped capital from the many and providing an extremely low cost, paperless and efficient capital market for the masses.”
Mr. Worrall continued, “The use cases are limitless, ranging from solar energy micro-grids to rental equipment to autonomous machinery and vehicles. Any asset whose usage can be automatically monitored is a potential use case. The proliferation of microprocessors in everyday items (think IoT) will enable the explosion of revenue generating assets and the explosion of growth of the MyBit platform.”