Accenture and BNP Paribas experiment with Blockchain based on Nxt Tech

Nxt currency is an open source cryptocurrency and payment network that was launched in 2013, marking the first time a cryptocurrency could not be mined. With the rise of multiple other altcoins,Nxt developers acknowledged that a change in their business model was called for, which pushed themto focus their current work on new blockchain functionality.
Their achievements over the past years comprise of a voting mechanism and more transparent international bank transfer functionality. This pushed Accenture Spain and BNP Paribas to start experimenting with Nxt Blockchain technology.
Accenture Spain, for example, is trialing with a blockchain-based voting solution, which enables the instant update of a vote count while preserving the full anonymity of voters.
Furthermore, BNP Paribas is utilizing a blockchain solution based on Nxt, in order to reduce limits on sending money or making purchases on a global scale. The aim would be to alleviate the burden among BNP customers and to enhance the bank’s position in the world of cross-border transfers.