Embleema disrupts the $140 billion drug development market with Blockchain

Embleema comes out of stealth to connect patients, life sciences, and regulators through its Blockchain, setting a new standard for safety, transparency and quality in Real World Evidence, disrupting the $140 billion drug development market
Embleema, today emerged from stealth, to launch the public beta release of its patient-driven, HIPAA-compliant, personal health records blockchain. Built on Ethereum, the leading smart-contract platform, and available today after one year of R&D, Embleema aims to solve the challenges associated with collection and safe sharing of Real World Evidence (RWE). Embleema restores precision and transparency in the healthcare and clinical trials industry by allowing patients to consolidate, own and directly share their data with healthcare stakeholders while receiving payment via cryptocurrency tokens for their participation. Embleema’s leadership team holds more than 100 years of industry experience in life sciences, healthcare data, wearable, digital health and blockchain technology across the US, Europe and Asia-Pacific.
Today, pharmaceuticals are primarily developed with data collected in controlled research environments, which fails to capture the efficacy of treatments in real-life setting. 32 percent of drugs approved by the FDA are affected by a postmarket safety event, prompting regulators to demand direct access to post-market raw data from life sciences. Current methods of gathering data on adverse effects and efficacy are slow, and lack precision due to the absence of active patient involvement. This has worsened public health crises, generating a vicious circle of distrust between patients, life sciences, and regulators, and is delaying the availability of new drugs to patients.
Giving patients complete control over their healthcare data:
Embleema’s blockchain and decentralized app (DApp), PatientTruth, enables patients to assemble the full picture of their health from multiple sources in a truly secure environment. It rewards them with crypto-tokens for storing medical records generated by their multiple healthcare providers by uploading of HL7 Continuity of Care Documents (CCDs) as well as data from connected health devices, beginning with Fitbit. Patients can consent to real-time data sharing with pharmaceutical companies and healthcare authorities, which will improve real-time detection of safety issues and assessment of efficacy down to the patient level-benefitting the entire healthcare system.
CysticFibrosis.com, Embleema Pilot Customer
“A major concern of patients with Cystic Fibrosis is that their health data could be sold without their knowledge or consent. Clinical trial participants don’t know where their data is going and it contains a huge amount of personal information beyond just their health records. Blockchain allows patients to share their data to aid in research – but on their terms and with full respect to their privacy. Our patient surveys have shown that 53% would agree to it if they had a proper way to give their consent to accelerating research. The Cystic Fibrosis community is a perfect model to pilot the Embleema technology” says Jeanne Barnett, Founder of CysticFibrosis.com and patient advocate for the Cystic Fibrosis community.