Use cases already underway with STC
UNLOCK spoke to Lina Hediah, Executive Director, ConsenSys, about the recent waves of agreements with telecom operators across the region. As Hediah explained, “Telecom operators are redefining their roadmap and they see a future in offering cloud services, and driving smart city agendas of the world. Because of this they are looking at enabling technologies such as blockchain. So we build the Ethereum infrastructure service and machine on top of their cloud offering to allow them to offer go to market Blockchain Platform as a service.”
Of course Hediah is not in the mindset of thinking of exclusivity as she explains, “We are already working with DU and STC and they might have exclusivity in certain go to market products but at the moment exclusivity is not what we are worrying about.”
During GITEX STC and ConsenSys announced the launch of Blockchain on STC Cloud in a move to accelerate blockchain adoption in KSA. This product allows clients to create blockchain nodes in a sandbox environment and build blockchain networks and test use cases without the need for infrastructure investment or heavy development.
According To Hediah, “We have actually already signed contracts for a few use cases on the STC cloud, and we have launched a service for Small-Medium sized marketplace on STC called Blue Velvet which is now live.”
Hediah is pleased and pleasantly surprised with the interest that the youth in KSA has shown for blockchain and believe KSA is a promising market. She adds, “We believe that just as in the UAE, in KSA the government will lead and spur up the interest for Blockchain. This is enhanced with our current training programs because our vision is to create an ecosystem and people are the most important element.”
As for projects across the region, Hediah sees potential not only in Dubai, and KSA but also in Bahrain and Abu Dhabi. She states, “This is just the beginning, as soon as one service gets onto the blockchain and others start interfacing with it the ecosystem will grow.
As for the Enterprise Ethereum recent alliance with Hyperledger, Hediah sees this as a positive step towards interoperability. Hediah, “ In a few years we will not which protocol is being used because it will sit in the background just like internet protocols do today.”