102 Blockchain leaders give their insights on the future of Blockchain
Zage Marketing Group, the blockchain arm of Web profits released a report that interviews 102 blockchain leaders for their insights into the use of blockchain both now and into the future
In the forward by Co-Founder Alex Cleanthous, he states, “ When the Internet first launched in the early 1990s, nobody could truly have envisaged the impact it would have on society, and the reach it would have globally. Blockchain is now where the Internet was in the early 1990s – some people can see its potential, most people don’t understand it, and the people who do are putting everything into being part of the next evolution of society.”
He adds that they created this report to move the conversation away from the hype that defined the industry throughout 2017, to now focus on how blockchain is currently being used, where it will be heading in the future, and which projects are already making an impact.
The report interviewed leaders from cryptocurrencies, blockchain projects, crypto exchanges, hedge funds and investment funds.
Some important findings of the report touch upon topics such as what is the tipping point for mass adoption of Blockchain? 41% of respondents felt that a seamless user experience was key. Though there were differing opinions on whether mass adoption will be driven by the consumer or would come from enterprises, the sentiment is that “people will be using it in day-to-day life without knowing or noticing”, as Andreas Kalteis, CEO of Novem Gold said.
Respondents also saw biggest opportunities for blockchain would be the financial industry. 56% referred to the financial services industry.
The report goes on to one on one interviews with blockchain leaders and their insights into what services are being implemented and where successful projects are being launched.