Apaly Health launches direct contracting platform

According to source from PRNewsWire, Apaly Health, the platform that enables employers and providers to direct contract at scale, launches a direct contracting platform for employers and healthcare providers.
It allows many direct contracting between employers and providers. Everyone can sign up, enter into a contract and eventually receive healthcare services. “Direct contracting is increasingly seen as a cost-effective way for employers with self-funded health plans to manage cost on their provider networks and, until now, has generally only been available to large, multinational corporations,” said Dr. Jerry Beinhauer, founder and CEO of Apaly Health. “Employers now have an alternative to the leased provider network that enables them to source better care at lower prices.”
By automating tasks, Apaly can cut billions of dollars in costs. “Self-funded employers who directly contract with providers can significantly reduce their healthcare spend, along with the added benefit of being able to drive quality and control at the network level,” Dr. Beinhauer added.
Once providers sign up they become automatically available to every employer, eliminating the need for direct contracting “Apaly Health has created a simple and seamless solution that allows providers to directly contract with self-funded employers without any operational or practice work-flow changes,” said Dr. Chris Pittman, Medical Director and CEO, Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers. “It’s designed to feel just like any other payer relationship, except we set our own payment rates and get paid faster”.