China’s Blockchain Network BSN to be released in April

A document was issued on January 3 stating that Tang Sisi, deputy director of the Smart City Development Research Center of the National Information Center, revealed at the China Urban Governance and Innovation Forum that the district led by the National Information Center and jointly initiated and established by China Mobile and China UnionPay The Block-chain-based Service Network (hereinafter referred to as BSN) will be officially launched for commercial operations in April.
the Blockchain Service Network (BSN) officially started internal testing from October 2019, and will be officially launched for commercial operations only six months later. During the internal testing, related research and deployment work has been continuously carried out.
To carry out basic blockchain technology and policy research, the National Information Center post-doctoral research station established the “Blockchain Technology and Application Laboratory” in August 2018 in conjunction with Peking University (Tianjin Binhai) New Generation Information Technology Research Institute and Dalian University of Technology’s Department of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering.
Afterwards, based on the realistic needs of providing a trusted service carrier to support the development of national smart cities and the digital economy, the National Information Center proposed the overall plan and top-level design of the blockchain service network. With the support of China Mobile and other units, the preliminary The nationwide deployment of blockchain service networks has been completed.
Cheng Xiaobo, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the State Information Center, met with Li Huizhen, Vice President of China Mobile Communications Group and his party at the end of September 2019. The two parties had exchanged views on the deployment and cooperation of the blockchain service network. At that time, the National Information Center and China Mobile also generated the first-level root certificate of the blockchain service network and the second-level root certificate of the blockchain service network, respectively. The National Information Center article commented that “the generation of the root certificate marks the transition of the blockchain service network from the research and development phase to the trial operation phase.” However, at that time, there were more public details about the operation mechanism of the blockchain service network, such as construction, service, and operation.
Subsequently, on October 15, 2019, the National Information Center, China Mobile Communications Corporation, China UnionPay and others jointly announced in Beijing that the Blockchain Service Network (BSN), which was jointly designed and constructed by six specific units, was officially released for beta. At the meeting, the “White Paper on Blockchain Service Network Basics” (hereinafter referred to as “White Paper”) was released. Zhang Xueying, deputy director of the National Information Center, said at the meeting that commercial services will be officially launched after the end of the internal testing. The establishment of a blockchain service network will effectively reduce the technical and economic thresholds for blockchain applications, which will help the rapid promotion of blockchain technology application.