KFC MENA Region to use Ethereum for Blockchain ad project

KFC MENA seeks to use Blockchain in future for supplychain
KFC in MENA recently announced that it would be using blockchain for digital advertising and media buying. KFC will be working on this with Heart&Science in the UAE. This blockchain-based solution is expected to deliver tangible benefits, enabling KFC to Harness more accurate data to increase the brand’s visibility and penetration, enabling the distribution of more timely and relevant messaging, reducing over saturation of any communications, maximizing on ad placements and optimizing advertising revenue. It also will drive increased efficiencies and a more trustworthy supply chain by resolving any issues of fraud. Due to its shared database, every ad delivery and placement is seen, shared and updated on the blockchain on a real-time basis, bringing in ultimate transparency to the digital ad supply chain.
UNLOCK interviewed Ozge Zoralioglu, chief marketing officer, KFC, Yum! Brands to learn more about the project as well as other blockchain projects on the way. According to Zoralioglu, ” by using Blockchain for digital adveritsing and media programming will be increasing transparency which is our greatest requirement, and we hope to do so with Hearts &Science which is closely aligned with KFC.”
KFC is using a propriety solution built on Ethereum Blockchain. Zoralioglu adds, ” While this pilot is currenctly specific to the MENA region, we are confident that with the results we will guide our global teams towards best practices as well.”
In addition this is not the only Blockchain project KFC is working on. Zoraliouglu explains, ” We are considering other multiple solutions, but at the moment we want to finalize this project before scaling further.”
As for the future, Zoraliouglu believes that Blockchain will make it more effective and efficient for ad spend. While for the wider food industry she believes that the application of blockchain or shared ledger solutions being applicable on KFC’s whole supply chain. She consludes, “Blockchain’s ability to provide transparency and innovation into physical goods movement within our supply chain is yet another area we will be focusing on for the near future.”