IBM Launches its Blockchain platform 2.5

In a recent blog piece written Andiy Carelli Director of IBM Blockchain platform he announced the IBM Blockchain platform 2.5. According to Carelli, ” New collaboration models are emerging out of necessity today and for better preparedness tomorrow. It’s evidenced in the way supplychains are changing to provide better visibility for the distribution of emergency supplies. We see the need for public and private information to be validated and shared between healthcare institutes and government authorities to support humanitarian efforts. These applied areas are examples of how innovation is being given a chance to prevail over traditional approaches. For blockchain enthusiasts, it’s an exciting opportunity to challenge the status quo and shift to multi-party systems.”
He believes that the world is on the cusp a new era of multi-party systems. Multi-party networks, spanning across industries, are leveraging the clear advantages of near real-time, trusted, tamper-proof data exchange. Businesses industry experts, regulators, and people are leveraging new collaboration models to share and record data in a way that preserves both privacy and transparency, and ensures the validity of transactions. This technology is providing the basis for unprecedented levels of trust to support shared processes, and instilling confidence in a validated source of truth to support decision-making. Transparency under privacy controls forms the basis of a more effective business network.
In the blog he then announced the release of IBM Blockchain Platform version 2.5, which improves on IBM Blockchain Platform version 2 in a number of ways. These include supporting the latest open source innovation with The Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 and delivers new integrations with Red Hat technologies. It boosts security, usability, flexibility, and development speed with support for Hyperledger Fabric 2.0, Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces, Red Hat OpenShift 4.3 and Ansible Content Collections. This release delivers upon aspects of the advancements we highlighted at our digital IBM THINK conference in May.