Global News
UAE undergoes special courses in AI and Blockchain

Omar bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence recently announced that the UAE Government is keen to create a supportive infrastructure based on artificial intelligence, AI, through enhancing the capacities of Emirati citizens and enabling government staff to utilise the required tools to develop this vital sector. He made this statement during his participation in the remote graduation ceremony of 84 students representing the second batch of the Artificial Intelligence,AI, Programme, which was attended by Mansour Abdullah Belhoul, UAE Ambassador to the UK, and Jonathan Michie, President of Kellogg College at Oxford University.
The training programme is part of the UAE Programme for Artificial Intelligence, which aims to train government staff and reinforce their skills to adopt AI in their work, to achieve the objectives of the UAE Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2031 and reinforce the country’s pioneering role in adopting modern technologies and preparing for the future.
Al Olama noted that the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the health, education and economic sectors and the community highlight the importance of investing in technological infrastructure, to continue the process of development.
He also stressed the need to learn from the pandemic, by adopting a proactive approach that will foresee the future and create solutions to changes and challenges.
The programme aims to train Emirati citizens and introduce them to the latest technologies and trends in the AI sector, through targeting government employees and equipping them with the required skills. It also focussed on a set of topics, including the use of AI, ethical challenges, strategic analysis, data collection and analysis, data security, governance, self-education, and legislation and systems related to AI.
The AI Programme, a joint effort between the UAE National AI Programme and Kellogg College, aims to train UAE nationals and enhance their skillsets to accelerate the delivery of the UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence. The second batch of the Artificial Intelligence underwent specialised courses in the AI and Blockchain in line with UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence 2031 and the UAE Blockchain Strategy 2021.