Smart Dubai showcases how blockchain will make lives better

Smart Dubai which has been at the forefront of Blockchain adoption for Dubai and the UAE recently launched a video protraying how blokchain will be embedded across the city of Dubai in many sectors. According to the tweet sent out by Smart Dubai, Dubai will be the first blockchain powered government, driving the future economy.
Since 2018 Smart Dubai has claimed that it will transform Dubai into the Blockchain capital of the world. Smart Dubai and IBM were the first to launch Blockchain as a service for Governmental entities again in 2018 and working with Avanza solution Smart Dubai implemented a citywide blockchain payments platform.
In 2019 eight government entities announced that they were implementing blockchain projects. In 2020 Smart Dubai announced that 24 blockchain use cases were being implemented across eight industries.
UNLOCK as the first and only Blockchain media platform in MENA was the first to support Smart Dubai’s ambitions and interview Dr. Aisha Bin Butti Bin Bishr during her tenure as Director General at Smart Dubai. In addition Smart Dubai were the main sponsors of the UNLOCK Blockchain forum in January of 2018.
While Dubai has yet to come out with its cryptocurrency stand, it has over the years encouraged Blockchain startups to set up home in Dubai including names such as Quanstamp and Openledgers. In the video it showcases how blockchain is being used for government payments, application for visas, in transportation and other areas.
The road is still a long one but given the conviction the UAE and Dubai has expressed when it comes to digitization and 4th industrial revolution, the vision presented in the video is more realistic than it might seem today.