DeFiGovernmentMENA News
Bahrain based Polemaris joins Chromia Blockchain network

In a recent tweet by Blockchain relational database company Chromia, the company announced that Bahrain based fintech and consultancy company Polemaris has joined the Chromia Blockchain network. Chromis is a subsidiary of ChromaWay, a blockchain company that has built a mix between relational databses and blockchain. The company provides solutions to the banking, governmental and enterprise sectors. In their tweet Chromia welcomes bahrain based fintech company Polemaris to the chromia blockchain network.
According to the tweet Polemaris is the company behind eCRD, the innovative financial services solutions that will enable a new generation of accessible DeFi applications incorporating credit lending and rewards. On their website Polemaris states that they are a technology driven business intelligence startup, and a member of JPA international which is ranked as one of the top 20 accounting and consulting networks representing Bahrain and Eastern province of KSA.