Ethereum Consensys and Securosys partner for securing Ethereum 2.0 staking

Consesys, the Ethereum software company, and Securosys, a leader in cybersecurity, encryption, and digital identity protection launch a seamless and secure method for long-term Ethereum 2.0 staking. The partnership provides the possibility to create Ethereum 2.0 withdrawal keys in Securosys Hardware Security Modules (both on premise and as a cloud service) directly from the ConsenSys Codefi Staking API. The keys are never exposed to Codefi nor Securosys and the stakers retain full control and legal ownership of the keys.
“Together with Securosys we can provide an end-to-end solution for Ethereum 2.0 staking,” says Kuhan Tharmananthar, Product Lead of Codefi staking. “By combining Codefi with Securosys Hardware Security Modules our customers achieve the highest level of security and convenience when moving from Eth1 to Eth2.”
“Securosys has focused on blockchain applications from the beginning and is committed to extending its lead in providing hardware security for the crypto sector,” says Robert Rogenmoser, CEO of Securosys. “The recognition by the leading developer of the Ethereum platform is not only a great acknowledgement of these efforts, but also a strong motivation to continue providing the best services to our customers.”
To validate transactions on Ethereum 2.0, stakers need to stake ETH conveniently and create their Eth2 withdrawal keys with the assurance that they are safe from all types of attacks and failures during the first transition phase from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake, which could happen this year.
ConsenSys’ Codefi Staking provides a user interface for depositing ETH to the Eth2 Beacon Chain, and removes the challenges of operating independent validator nodes. Codefi Staking will rely on Teku ConsenSys’ Eth2 client for institutional staking. Integration with the Securosys ecosystem brings the highest level of security to the process, as stakers can seamlessly create keys directly in the Primus Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) and protect them with Securosys’ key control mechanisms. There are multiple levels of authentication and authorization that ensure that the stakers do not relinquish control over the Eth2 withdrawal keys.
While Securosys authentication mechanisms ensure security of the keys against external attacks, their security against various failure factors is also paramount for long-term storage. Securosys Primus HSMs are built on highly reliable, enterprise-grade hardware that is designed for long-term 24/7 operation, can be clustered for high-availability redundant setup, or securely backed up. When on premise operation is not an option Securosys offers its ISO27001 certified CloudsHSM service. It is powered by multiple geo-redundant data centers that meet the highest operational security standards, including an EMP and attack-proof facility deep in the Swiss mountains.