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Chinese University of HongKong and Consensys partner for digital health passport

A blockchain solution-based digital health passport has been launched for trial to record all Covid-19 related activities, such as Covid-19 test results, vaccination status and immunity, in a decentralised and private manner. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and an Ethereum technology company-ConsenSys have launched a digital health passport called “Medoxie Covid-19”. Multiple functions are included, such as temperature checks and vaccinations status in this mobile app.
Users can register their accounts in bilingual language, including English and Chinese. In addition, validated users are enabled to store their data through these mobile apps and share their own Private Health Information (PHI) to third parties, such as medical staff in hospital and clints.
“This COVID-19 blockchain passport uses trusted blockchain technology to protect user data, making it verifiable and secure,” says Dr. Arafet Ben Makhlouf, Senior Technical Architect of ConsenSys. Dr Marten Brelen, Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology of CUHK, as the principal investigator, also welcomed the partnership and said the developed blockchain digital health passport could “support the fight against the pandemic”.
The digital passport has been built using ConsenSys Quorum and Codefi Orchestrate technology, which leverages the Ethereum blockchain technology. The platform claims that it only allows limited and consented access to patients’ health information for protecting personal data privacy.
ConsenSys said the new passport would enable academic at CUHK to perform large scale data analysis for studying the impact and longevity of immunity following vaccinations with the assistance of blockchain technology with big data.